

Join us in an adventure to the heart of Dzibanche, by far the most spectacular Maya ruins site and admire one of the greatest examples of Maya architecture and urban organization. Dzibanche is the only site where visitors are still allowed to climb to the top of the temples, it is Costa Maya’s best kept secret and a must for the Maya ruins enthusiast.

Learn about daily life, political, and military organization of the Maya as you explore Dzibanche’s ceremonial center surrounded by its temples. Very few tourists visit Dzibanche which guarantees it is peaceful and quiet, just perfect to explore and an enjoy the relaxing sounds of the jungle.

Recent excavations at Dzibanche have revealed tombs with rich jade offerings for members of the ruling family and inscriptions that suggest the it could have been home of one of the most powerful dynasties of the Maya.


Complete your experience climbing the acropolis of Kinichna, raising above the treetops for spectacular views of the jungle.


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