
Our Village


Population of Chacchoben according to the last census n 2010 was 655 people (320 Men, 335 Women) living in a total of 150 homes most of them built with wood with thatch roofs. Most people are of Maya origin and speak Mayan and Spanish as a second language.

Among the men, 187 are farmers and the rest are children or attending school.

Chacchoben now has a Kinder Garden (Ages 3-6), a Primary School (Ages 6-12) and a Secondary School (Ages 12-15). However, there are 297 people over 15 years old that don’t know how to read and write.

Chacchoben has a clinic with a nurse and a doctor, running water for a couple of hours in the afternoon, homes have access to electricity, but no phones or mail service.
